The B Corp Movement

The power of business as a force for good!

What are B Corps?

B Corps are for-profit companies that, in addition to financial results, also pursue sustainable and social goals. They even integrate this in the articles of association of their company.

B Corps all want to add more value to our society than they extract. They take social responsibility seriously and aim to be good ancestors for current and future generations. Certification is only awarded to companies, that meet verified performance. 

You don't just become a B Corp. B Corp only rewards companies for real impact actually made. Not just for strategies or promises that sound convincing.

How do you become a B Corp?

To become a B Corp, companies are subject to a rigorous and comprehensive assessment that covers good governance, workers, society, the environment and customers. 

The assessment evaluates your score on a scale of 0 – 200 points. A score of less than 80 points does not qualify to become a B Corp. The idea is that with less than 80 points, your company extracts more value from society than it adds.

Its holistic approach makes B Corp certification the most reliable sustainability certification. It inspires trust among investors, governments, consumers, employees, and other stakeholders.

A fast-growing network

B Corps inspire each other and share knowledge to use the power of business as a force for good. They easily find each other through the fast-growing B Corp network.

Save Time, Money & Energy with Trippple Impact™ 

Why choose between making impact or ESG/CSRD reporting, when you can do both more efficiently at the same time? 

Thanks to Sustainability Partner’s unique Trippple Impact™ Model, you can seamlessly integrate your SDG contribution, B Corp Certification, and CSRD reporting processes.

This results in significant time & cost savings, ensuring that you do not only meet reporting standards, but also gain recognition as a Certified B Corp making a positive impact for present and future generations!

Learn more by clicking on the image 👉

Trippple Impact™