Envira Gallery


“Respecting the environment,” “Made from 100% recycled materials,” or “Buy one, plant one tree”—statements like these are powerful tools to attract eco-conscious consumers. More businesses are leveraging environmental claims in their advertising to showcase the sustainability of their products or services and persuade customers to choose them.

With great power comes great responsibility 

Environmental claims must comply with regulations that prohibit misleading commercial practices. When claims are inaccurate, unverifiable, or intentionally misleading, they amount to greenwashing—a deceptive practice that is not only unethical but also punishable by law.

To empower sustainable choices, 

consumers need trustworthy, clear, and relevant proof about the environmental impact of organizations. Claims should be comparable, verifiable, and provide insight into genuine efforts toward sustainability. 

At ACT SHOW PROVE we’re here to ensure transparency 

in sustainability communication, helping businesses earn trust and drive more meaningful impact.

How to Communicate Reliable Environmental Claims?

Check   What is an environmental claim?

Check   What is greenwashing, and how can you recognize it?

Check   How can you avoid misleading environmental claims?

You will find the answers to these and other questions in FOD Economie’s guidelines on environmental claims. This document helps you assess such claims. It provides good practices to avoid misleading claims and comply with the law.

Download the guide here

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